At Mayors Pharmacy we strive to ensure that we provide the highest standard of care for the local community. Being at the heart of the community is at the heart of what we do.
We provide a full range of pharmaceutical services including dispensing and repeat dispensing of medicines and offer a free prescription collection and delivery service within the locality.
Our Pharmacists are happy to offer advice on medicines, including a medicines review service, minor ailments and common conditions, lifestyle and wellness, including smoking cessation, and emergency contraception.
Constantly keeping up to date with the latest health and medicine news, our pharmacists work hard to deliver a professional solution that is discrete and reliable
It is important to be aware of your own blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels and BMI. If you are overweight, have a diet high in salt, don’t do much exercise or have a history of high blood pressure in your family mention this to any member of our staff the next time you're in the pharmacy. We offer a Health Check Service which can help you to monitor your own blood pressure, blood glucose levels, blood cholesterol and to check your Body Mass Index; if we spot any problems we can offer advice and support. We offer practical advice on how to normalise your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose and weight by diet and lifestyle changes and helping you with your medication.
CHLAMYDIA is the most common STI in people under 25.
Chlamydia often has no symptoms. Finding out if you have Chlamydia is simple – just one quick and painless test that you do yourself.
You do NOT need to be examined!
It's recommended that under 25s who are sexually active should get a Chlamydia test once a year.
Our fully trained Pharmacists can provide support and advice to people accessing the service, including advice on safe sex, condom use and advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods, when required.
Please ask any member of our team for more information.
We can safely dispose all your unwanted medicines. You just need to bring them to our pharmacy.
By doing so we
reduce the volume of stored unwanted medicines in people’s homes thus reduce the risk of accidental poisonings in the home and diversion of medicines to other people not authorised to possess them
reduce the risk of exposing the public to unwanted medicines which have been disposed of by non-secure methods
reduce the environmental damage caused by the use of inappropriate disposal methods for unwanted medicines
In order to protect the safety of our staff, customers and the environment, when returning your unwanted medicines to this pharmacy, please take a moment to answer these quick questions. You must be able to answer all the questions with a “Yes” in order for our staff to accept your unwanted medicines. Please tell our pharmacy staff if there are any questions to which you’ve answered “No”. | |
Are you returning only medicines? | Yes |
Are you sure there are no needles or other sharps in the bag/container? | Yes |
Are you sure there is nothing else that may affect the health and safety of our staff? | Yes |
See below for a list of those items we can and cannot accept.
Read More Emergency Hormonal Contraception If you have had sex without using contraception, or you think your contraception has failed, you may be able to use Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) Service. It is FREE of charge if you live locally. The emergency contraceptive pill is most effective if it is taken as soon as possible after you have had unprotected intercourse, but can be taken up to 72 hours afterwards. Before you get an emergency contraceptive pill, a private consultation with one of our accredited pharmacists is required where they will ask a few questions to see if it's suitable for you. Every consultation is private and confidential and will be in a private consultation room. We will also provide support and advice to clients accessing the service, including advice on the avoidance of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) through safer sex and condom use, advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods and provide onward signposting to services that provide long-term contraceptive methods and diagnosis and management of STI’s. Read More Erectile Dysfunction Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is very common. About half of men between 40 and 70 get ED at least once.
Where there are underlying conditions these should be treated. This does not always help the symptoms of ED. The following may also help:
Mayors Pharmacy Erectile Dysfunction Service gives you an opportunity to have a one-to-one conversation with a pharmacist trained in erectile dysfunction to see how they can help you. You will need to complete a form during the consultation with the pharmacist. Your blood pressure will be checked. The details that you supply during the consultation will be reviewed by the pharmacist. They will determine if the medicine you have requested is safe and appropriate for your condition. Read More Malaria Prevention If you're travelling to an area with a risk of malaria, then it's crucial to take the correct precautions to enjoy a safe and healthy trip. Our Pharmacist we will be pleased to advise you further. There is a significant risk of getting malaria if you travel to an affected area. It is very important you take precautions to prevent it. Malaria can often be avoided using the ABCD approach to prevention which stands for:
Symptoms of malaria can develop as quickly as seven days after you are bitten by an infected mosquito.
Read More Medicine Use Reviews The Medicines Use Review (MUR) Service will help you use your medicines more effectively. Our accredited pharmacists will perform an MUR consultation with you to help assess any problems you might have with your medicines and to help develop your knowledge of your medicines. During the MUR consultation we will improve your knowledge, adherence and use of your medicines by:
This service is FREE of charge and appointments are not necessary. Read More Minor Ailments Scheme Minor Ailments Service Our pharmacy can provide you with advice, support and treatment of minor ailments without appointments, therefore saving you time. You don’t need an appointment at your GP, come to our pharmacy and ask to speak to the Pharmacist. If you are exempt from paying for prescriptions, you will be treated FREE of charge under the Minor Ailment Scheme, otherwise a normal prescription charge will apply.
Minor Ailments Service currently covers:
Whilst in most cases the treatment recommended by our Pharmacist will cure your condition it is important that if your symptoms persist you seek further advice from the Pharmacist or GP. Read More Monitored Dosage System (MDS Dosette Boxes) In order to get the most from your medicines it is important that you take the right dose of your prescribed medication at the right time each day. This can sometimes be difficult if you take more than one medicine. We can make it easier for you by supplying your medicines in a Monitored Dosage System, which provides you with a separate compartment for each dosage time of the day. Our Pharmacist can help identify whether this type of system would be suitable for you. MDS may be suitable for you if you:
Ask a member of our pharmacy team about whether this service would benefit you or whether there is another course of action, which may be of more help. Read More NHS Flu Vaccination Influenza is an acute viral infection characterised by the sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, muscle pains, severe prostration and usually cough, with or without a sore throat or other respiratory symptoms. The acute symptoms last for about a week, although full recovery may take longer. For most people, this 'seasonal' influenza is an unpleasant but self-limiting and not life endangering illness, but in some people it may be more severe, or complicated by secondary bacterial infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. The very young, older people and those with underlying diseases such as cardiovascular disease and pulmonary disorders are particularly at risk of serious illness from influenza. Flu vaccination offers benefit not only to you, but your family and workmates by reducing the spread of infection. Please pop in and we will be pleased to advise you further. Read More New Medicine Service The NHS New Medicine Service is a FREE NHS service. We provide this service to help you understand your condition and get the most out of your new medicine. This service is designed for people who have received a prescription for a new medicine to treat any of the following conditions:
Read More Pregnancy testing If you think you may be pregnant, the first thing to do is to find out whether you really are. A pregnancy test is the most reliable way to confirm if you are pregnant. At Mayors Pharmacy, we can offer discreet and fast testing service. For best results an early morning sample of urine should be brought to the pharmacy in a specimen container. The test usually takes 10 minutes so you can either wait or call back for the results. You will be given a report with your results filled in by the pharmacist that you can take to your doctor. The tests we perform in the pharmacy are highly accurate. We also have a private consultation room where you can discuss your results in private with our pharmacist.
Read More Prescription Dispensing We dispense NHS prescriptions and will give advice on how to get the most benefit from your medicines. We keep a comprehensive stock of medicines and use a fast and an efficient wholesaler service to enable us to fill all prescriptions promptly. For patients in England who do not have a valid exemption or pre-payment certificate, the NHS prescription charge is currently £9.65 per item. Read More Promotion Of Healthy Lifestyles And Signposting We provide advice to increase your knowledge, awareness and understanding on leading healthier lifestyles so as to improve your health. In cases where we cannot provide a particular advice, service or treatment, we will ensure that you are appropriately signposted to other healthcare and social services. Read More Repeat Prescription Collection Service We can collect your prescription from the following local surgeries and have it ready for collection:
Merchant Street Surgery
Harley Grove Health Centre
Stroudley Walk Health Centre
St Andrew's Medical Centre
Bromley By Bow Health Centre
Tredegar Health Centre Read More Repeat Prescriptions We can dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by your doctor. We handle repeat prescriptions, we send reminders and you can order online using our website or app. The NHS prescription charge per item for patients in England is £9.65. Read More Signposting to Other Services We are doing our best to help people who ask for assistance by directing them to the most appropriate source of help. If you come to the pharmacy and require further support, advice or treatment which we cannot provide, our pharmacy staff will inform or advise you of other health and social care providers or support organisations who may be able to assist you.
Read More Stop Smoking Service Why now is the right time to quit? FOR YOU Stopping smoking can make a drastic improvement to your lifestyle and health in ways you might not expect. Once you stop smoking, some of the benefits are immediate and some are longer-term.
FOR YOUR FAMILY More than 80% of second-hand smoke is invisible and odourless, so no matter how careful you think you're being, your family still breathe in the harmful poisons.
TO SAVE MONEY Every cigarette you don't smoke saves you money. On average, most people who quit save around £150 each month. That's nearly £2,000 a year going up in smoke. What else could you spend that money on? Find out how much you will save by quitting. Read More Supervised Consumption To ensure that some patients take their medicines, a prescriber can require the consumption of some medicines to be supervised within the pharmacy. Mayors Pharmacy is able to offer this service. At Mayors Pharmacy we will always treat everyone requiring this service with respect, politeness and confidentiality.
Read More Travel Vaccinations A meningococcal (ACWY) vaccination is a mandatory visa requirement for those attending Hajj and recommended for those performing Umrah. A single ACWY vaccine injection reduces the risk of infection by about 90%. For pilgrims attending Hajj, visa requirements request proof of vaccine no more than three years and no less than 10 days before arrival at Hajj. Our Pharmacist can provide a certificate of proof of vaccination for visa purposes. Please pop in and we will be pleased to advise you further.
Read More
Health Check: Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, BMI It is important to be aware of your own blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose levels and BMI. If you are overweight, have a diet high in salt, don’t do much exercise or have a history of high blood pressure in your family mention this to any member of our staff the next time you're in the pharmacy. We offer a Health Check Service which can help you to monitor your own blood pressure, blood glucose levels, blood cholesterol and to check your Body Mass Index; if we spot any problems we can offer advice and support. We offer practical advice on how to normalise your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, blood glucose and weight by diet and lifestyle changes and helping you with your medication. Read More Chlamydia Testing CHLAMYDIA is the most common STI in people under 25. Chlamydia often has no symptoms. Finding out if you have Chlamydia is simple – just one quick and painless test that you do yourself. You do NOT need to be examined! It's recommended that under 25s who are sexually active should get a Chlamydia test once a year. Our fully trained Pharmacists can provide support and advice to people accessing the service, including advice on safe sex, condom use and advice on the use of regular contraceptive methods, when required. Please ask any member of our team for more information.
Read More Disposal of Unwanted Medicines We can safely dispose all your unwanted medicines. You just need to bring them to our pharmacy. By doing so we